BIL24 platform allows using ticket templates in DOCX and SVG formats. It is better to use DOCX templates, because ones in SVG have a number of disadvantages:

1. Hyperlinks are not supported.
2. Data limit in SVG is lesser then in DOCX.
3. Requirement to indicate number of tickets on a page (1,2 or 4), which is not required in DOCX.
4. BIL24 uses SVG 1.2 specification by INKSCAPE, which is not a standard and is not supported by modern software.

Purchased tickets are created based on template and are sent to email as PDF file. Templates are located on BIL24 central server as files with a specific name format:

1. F1013_A330_P4.svg (FID=1013, ActionID=330, four tickets on a page)
2. A330_P2.svg (ActionID=330, two tickets on a page)
3. V115_P4.svg (VenueID=115, four tickets on a page)
4. F1013_P1.svg (FID=1013, one ticket on a page)
5. D3_P2.svg (Dealer=3, two tickets on a page)

Parameters in file name are:

FID (FrontendID) – interface identifier.
ActionID – event identifier.
VenueID – venue identifier.
Dealer – Agent indentifier.
PX (where X can be either 1,2 or 4) – number of tickets on A4 PDF file page sent to a customer’s email. Important: for DOX templates P parameter is not used, P0 have to be used, for example, as in A330_P0.docx.

Central server chooses template for creating pdf “from particular to general”. Here is the templates’ priority list used:

1. Template for specific frontend and event for any venue - F1013_A330_P4.svg
2. Template for a specific event for any frontend and venue - A330_P4.svg
3. Template for a specific venue for any frontend and event - V115_P4.svg
4. Template for a specific frontend for any event and venue- F1013_P4.svg
5. Template for an Agent, any of their frontends, and for any action and venue - D3_P4.svg

If none of these templates are found to create tickets then default template default_P0.docx is used.


Ticket platform replaces marks on template with data corresponding to this specific ticket. Data, used in Editor application appears on ticket. Marks start with «$» symbol. If any mark isn’t present in template, then data connected with this mark doesn’t appear in the final ticket. Marks on template are present on figure 1, and tickets with filled in data are present on figure 2:

figure 1

figure 2

$TICKET_NUMBER – string «68577».
$VENUE – venue name and address, string “Iceberg Skating Pflace, Sochi Olympic Park”.
$ACTION_NAME – event name, string «ICE SHOW "ROMEO AND JULIET"».
$DAY (day), $TIME (time) – day and time of event start, string «30.06.2025» and string «18:00».
$SEATDATA – seat coordinates, string “Sector: C22/ Row: 12/ Seat: 3”. For sessions with general admission, price category is located here, e. g. “Category: fan-zone”.
$PRICE – ticket price, string «1000 rub.».
$TPARAM – additional ticket parameters, string «ICE LLC., Age limit 16+».
$FIO – Customer full name. Appears in ticket only if this data is necessary to purchase a ticket. This option is activated by Full name is required checkbox in Editor. $BARCODE_NUMBER – barcode number, string «2403006685772».

There are anchors for replacing images on ticket template. To view or set image anchor you have to select “Change substitute text” in image context menu (by right-clicking it). In MS Word you have to select “Image format” in context menu and in the next window select “Substitute text”.

$AFISHA_IMAGE – poster image.
$BARCODE_IMAGE – barcode image.

While using SVG templates, it is important to remember that BIL24 uses SVG 1.2 specification by INKSCAPE, and uses flowRoot element in particular, which allows placing text in rectangle-shaped area. This is not a standard and is not supported by modern software, browsers in particular.

Working ticket templates are available on Agent tickets. It is recommended to use these templates to create own ticket look.